Sunday, May 9, 2010

Circle of Friends

Just going to share a video today. Listened to the song on the way home in the car and it resonated with me. I like Edie. Happy Mothering Day


  1. I loved thatt. Thanks for sharing!

  2. beautiful, thank you for sharing!
    Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  3. I have gotten your gift, the book a few minutes ago, thank you so much for sharing it.
    it is such a priceless present, I truly appreciate your open mind and big heart.
    u r the best!

  4. I am happy it arrived so quickly Ji. I thank you for coming and visiting so often. Hope you enjoy the read. It made me giggle. We all need a little more of that in our lives.

  5. yeah, that is awesome. have not heard Edie in years...thanks for bringing her back into the light...


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