Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Monday, April 18, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Friday, April 25, 2014
dead, barren
waiting, waiting, waiting
for the sun's warm rays
It's National Poetry Month. My children have both been exploring the nuances of poetry at school, which just tickles me. It has also amounted to a little creativity on my poetic part, as seen in this cinquain poem. Have you written any poems in National Poetry Month?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
ancy petalsL
ittle waving headsO
pen to the sunW
aving in the breezeE
verywhere in springR
enews my soulsign of spring - hellebore |
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
late winter
Sunshine fills my eyes
Sorely needed on this day
Stubborn winter sits
Blankets everything cold
Refuses the way to spring
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wherefore Art Thou Spring?
Wherefore art thou Spring?
Snow has clung to the air
despite a change in calender
and no alter to the attire
of mine
Search high and lo
and still the temperatures flow
below that damned zero
I whine...
But as every good Canadian knows
Mother Nature bends to no credos
despite pleading and heart-wrenched outflows
now consigned
Spring will arrive
all in good time to revive
our blessed souls once more to thrive
please be kind...
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Spring Day
A touch of white
lace and petals bright
on a spring day light
through and dip
small toes into the lip
of a river swift
that gives my heart a lift
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Fairy Garden
Spring flowers
fairy's wings
flowers laid
just so
a silver cup with
honey & water to go
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Spring is On The Rise
The smell of flowers fills the air
A heady scent which none can compare.
In colours red, yellow and pink,
a rainbow that I deign to drink.
Soft and bright upon my eyes
touching soul, I do surmise
Smoothing ruffles left from dull
winter doldrums swept clean and full.
Ah, sweet Spring is on the rise
along with life's new enterprises
I dream a dream of new love found
and awaken feeling its embrace profound.
Smiles and sunshine fill me up
enough to sate an old wound's crux
And grief is left in winter's wake
to remind us of the season's slake.
I shall not dwell in that cold house
feeding a sorrow I do espouse
For I now stand upon my feet
facing a life that I do entreat
with the smell of fresh flowers
in an air that empowers
a new colourful life begins
and is surrounded by nature's grins.
Now I hold pure blessings to Spring
in all of its worth and all that it brings
Naked I come and offer my soul
and prostrate give thanks for a long journey's toll
A heady scent which none can compare.
In colours red, yellow and pink,
a rainbow that I deign to drink.
Soft and bright upon my eyes
touching soul, I do surmise
Smoothing ruffles left from dull
winter doldrums swept clean and full.
Ah, sweet Spring is on the rise
along with life's new enterprises
I dream a dream of new love found
and awaken feeling its embrace profound.
Smiles and sunshine fill me up
enough to sate an old wound's crux
And grief is left in winter's wake
to remind us of the season's slake.
I shall not dwell in that cold house
feeding a sorrow I do espouse
For I now stand upon my feet
facing a life that I do entreat
with the smell of fresh flowers
in an air that empowers
a new colourful life begins
and is surrounded by nature's grins.
Now I hold pure blessings to Spring
in all of its worth and all that it brings
Naked I come and offer my soul
and prostrate give thanks for a long journey's toll
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
A Spring Breeze
A warm wind kisses
the crab apple tree
shaking off the winter-
pinched memories.
I smile in the sunshine,
loose hair in the breeze
An awakening of new days
that are sure to please.
Old friends return
to spruce up a nest
cooing in the morning,
as their name doth suggest
Tiny sprigs of newness
Little signs of life.
If I look hard enough
everywhere tis rife
Now behold, I spy a mirror
and in it, mine own eyes.
They sparkle with a mystery
Rebirth, I cry surprised!
Floating on a moon beam
Dancing through the dawn
I'm dreaming of a fresh start
Fie old devils, begone!
I wrap myself in lover's threads
sustained on potions sweet
This spring I find a lease on life
a gift from time to entreat.
the crab apple tree
shaking off the winter-
pinched memories.
I smile in the sunshine,
loose hair in the breeze
An awakening of new days
that are sure to please.
Old friends return
to spruce up a nest
cooing in the morning,
as their name doth suggest
Tiny sprigs of newness
Little signs of life.
If I look hard enough
everywhere tis rife
Now behold, I spy a mirror
and in it, mine own eyes.
They sparkle with a mystery
Rebirth, I cry surprised!
Floating on a moon beam
Dancing through the dawn
I'm dreaming of a fresh start
Fie old devils, begone!
I wrap myself in lover's threads
sustained on potions sweet
This spring I find a lease on life
a gift from time to entreat.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
A Drip in Time
So does this mean that winter is done?
Not likely, as the good folks in Illinois have some winter weather headed my way tonight. Just when I was beginning to believe that rascally groundhog that suggested that Spring was on the way, the weatherman declares that we will get 10-15cm of snow tonight and into tomorrow. I have seen more grass than snow this winter, but about once a week we get a taste of Arctic airs again. Apparently, its on the way for another blast!
The 2C we had today was pretty sweet though. Mmm Spring, I feel you around the corner! I even pruned my butterfly and burning bushes today, just to feel like a gardener again. It helps that I wrote an article about pruning trees in the winter yesterday, I guess. Nice to have the sunshine on my face though.
Back to the harsh reality that it is still February in Canada at present. There is a snowfall warning for Middlesex county that is threatening to be the biggest storm of the season! Oh joy! Back into the snowpants again!!
Maybe tomorrow I will post pictures of my winter wonderland and the transformation that we go through. Excuse me while I go throw some of the mud-caked mitts into the next load of laundry in anticipation. Can't forget my warm woolly hat!
So, what's the weather like in your neck of the woods?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Snow in April
Thunder rumbles outside my window.
Sheets of rain wash away winter grime.
Scrape the world clean.
I wait for the memories of snow to be washed away with it,
but it is cold outside.
So cold.
I want to wrap myself in Springtime,
dance nimbly through the crocuses,
they are too chilled
afraid of what might yet unfold
- certainly no petals today...
So I watch big fat droplets
run down the window.
Give thanks
that they are not yesterday's snowflakes
and perhaps will yet bring those promised
May flowers to bloom
'cus Easter is this weekend
and there still ain't no daffodils in my yard
nor leaves unfurling anywhere
but in my dreams
this April
snow - pfft
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Shades of Blue
Can anything be so perfect
as the cerulean blue sky
cut against
the stark yellow branches
that suggest Spring?
or the circular swirl
of a Ceil-coloured seashell
swept ashore
to be found
by searching hands.
but these hands
have found the magic
in Maya blue
running to Palatinate
that flutters delicate wings
and my heart.
Ah, but my heart
loves this blue best.
Tiffany blue that wraps
around my child's
petite frame
and keeps her snug
and warm
until Spring will finally break
at last
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Canadian Spring
Round about eleven
it started to snow.
As the flakes piled up
the ground disappeared below.
Alas and alack,
Spring's grip, far too loose
I shivered in nightgown
and begged for dreams to induce
and make peace with my home
it started to snow.
As the flakes piled up
the ground disappeared below.
Spring's grip, far too loose
I shivered in nightgown
and begged for dreams to induce
In the wan light of day
I woke to winter a'fresh
back with vengeance galore
a thick shelf o'er all enmeshed.
Well, I should just relentand make peace with my home
Tis Canada I live in
and this is Spring in its glory - OHM!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A Late Winter Storm
A scant
four days ago
you gently peeked
through the snow.
As neighbours watched
you stretched up
towards the sky.
Without heed to crystals cold
a'strew amongst your path
you warmed thy promised leaves
for sun's rays you did grasp.
but woe to you today
as fresh chill has touched the air
and looking out yon window
snow has returned without a care
Blast for winter's grip
be gone from morrow's day!
we've enough of flurries trip
right kindly I say "Go Away!"
Looking out my window, I see that the snow the weather forecast warned of has arrived. 10-15cm! What!!! Poor tulips and daffodils won't know what to do with themselves.
Damn winter! Be gone already!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
A Reawakening
The snow melts
and waters flow.
A muddy sight
for cheery soul
Spring is near
and birds now sing
Life reawakes
rebirth begins
Clad in squishy boots
and wet snowpants
my girls point out
a line of ants
We follow close
And then we see
That all those ants
Have entered the home of ME!
^^^ ^^^ ^^^
Well G-Man, while I am thrilled that Winter seems to be retreating under Spring's imminent onslaught, I am not impressed that it has brought those little creatures to life. At least in my house. Yuck. Hate ants in the house. Better than in your pants though, I guess.
Happy Spring folks.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Winter Release
icy heart forgotten
by winter's refusal to
relent to spring
Melt those damn snowflakes already!
I'm craving the warmth within
I'm going to stomp my foot
and hold my breath
until snow melts
and gives way
to just a
little bit
but I am going to link in to OSW in the meantime
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