Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Summer Poem

Of feathered things

and water wings;
This is what the summer brings

Kick up your feet
relax to the treat
of water's flow so sweet


wonders never cease
to release
the worries crease

into summer slumber
with naught to encumber,
but bliss of quiet labour 

lost under veil
of star shine's so pale
to close summer's hot travail.

A snapshot journey
of a day 
at play


  1. looks like you had a wonderful day...what fun. bet everyone slept well. smiles.

    have a wonderful sunday!

  2. aahh....what a wonderful poem to match your playful pictorial journey.

    It's perfect!

    Especially enjoyed the feather photo.

    Hope you're having a beautiful Sunday, dear lady!


  3. Thanks Brian. The beach was an awesome treat every day while we were camping. And yes we slept well :)

  4. Thank you Ron. I quite liked my little feather photo as well. We had a great day today as well, taking in a folk festival. Hope your Sunday was smashing as well.

  5. Loved the photos loved the verse, love the way you nurture and care for the dear one.
    A life lived with loving kindness.


  6. Thanks Joanny. I try to aspire to loving kindness and am getting better at it day by day. My girlies make it pretty hard not to overflow with love. I am blessed by them, just have to remind myself some days ;~)


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