Friday, June 18, 2010

Trouble in Paradise

The night sky is dark, as I wind down my editing. A few changes have been made. Most will not notice, but I do. Tonight I am troubled by a post  I read in the blog-o-sphere. A blog I follow found itself at the center of a particularly eerie and nasty bit of harassment. It seems that a follower of WaystationOne has sprung the bounds of decency and invaded personal comfort levels. It would seem it is a scary case of cyber-stalking that has left many shaken, including myself. I quite like the world of blogging and am thrilled at the new-found friends I have made. Really though, in this world a facade is presented that only holds what the writer wants or cares to show.  Many people are anonymous or use pseudonyms in the blog world and beyond. Social media and networking are huge pieces of the world today and they enter our world like never before. I like to think that most people are honest and decent human beings with the best of intentions, but unfortunately that is not always the case. There are some out there that mold the world to their own vision of what they want and do not see through a social filter. They forget about what their actions mean  in the greater scheme of things. Other's thoughts and feelings are a mute point that does not compute into their own world. A cry for help perhaps? Maybe, but aggression  and salacious behaviour are never the way to go. I hope that his handling of the situation rectifies things for himself and potentially for others that may not have come forward, but are suffering the same way. For every voice that is heard, how many others remain silent, but struggling. For myself, I have wandered through some old posts wondering what I might regret sharing, if a similar situation arose for me. I am what I am though. The words on the page are me, as are my thoughts. I cannot edit me in my own space, my own home, but perhaps I can just remember that caution has its place in the world. I will return tomorrow and offer my voice to the world. It is my voice, however big or small. I will not deny it, but have to remember that sometimes all that glitters is not gold. Peace to you. Travel safe and well.


  1. It's such a shame what is happening to Brian, I truly hope he sorts it out very soon...

    I suppose we all leave ourselves open in this bloggosphere but I, like you, would like to think that people have good intentions.

  2. The absolute violation of sending these emails - the first one, yes, but ESPECIALLY subsequent emails after being asked to stop - is so very disturbing.

    The internet affords a certain measure of anonymity. Sadly, some people abuse this - doing things that (I hope) they would never dream of otherwise.

    I have a feeling there are a lot of people dwelling on this situation today; Brian has a lot of supporters, and I hope he finds a little comfort in that fact...

    Be well, K.

  3. thanks for the support and the chat this is scary bu it does not surprise me...particuarly since i work witht he mentally ill...i really do hope that others i know never haver to go through it...but this too shall pass....

    thanks again...

  4. Brian, after reading another's words, I truly hope that your troubles are at an end. Not certain that holding breath is a good idea yet though. A mixed message, I fear. Having comments from two anonymous bloggers is an interesting message for me, but I have faith in the human spirit. I thank you for your words ED & C. I know that both of you have your reasons for your pseudonyms and I respect that, even more today. I wish the world some love and peace, for some days it requires more than we can bear...


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