Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Crabby Apple

Crab Apple is beginning to bloom

crabby appled kid
wreaked havoc on moods again
tears dispel thin peace 
forgiveness placed at table
eaten cold, but served with love


  1. Lovely poem as usual, Katherine!

    Your photo of the crab apple is so beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen one before.

    Hope you had a super Thursday, my friend!


  2. @Ron: When I was a kid we had a fabulous one in my front yard as well. They smell absolutely heavenly when they are blooming. Really very pretty too and a great tree to climb. The blooms don't last long, but the tree is stunning while it blooms.

  3. I love crab apple trees.

    Crabby apple kids, not so much. :)

  4. @Me: tell me about it. Dropped R off at school crying. I picked her up after school & headed to the library, where she refused to get out of the van & sat crying. Gave up and went home, but then there was more than just a crabby apple kid, but a full-fledged crappy apple Momma too. Blah!

  5. oo evocative...forgiveness eaten cold....we had a few apple battles in our day we needed forgiveness from...

  6. @Brian: hugs and kisses shared by nightfall, but we shall see what a new day brings.

  7. @Mama Zen: These are the low points in parenting, aren't they MZ? They are the moments that make us appreciate the laughter, smiles and hugs that much more though.

  8. Great poem.
    The photo of your blooming apple tree is fantastic. I have two apple trees, and the smell is so sweet!
    I've had a crabby kid too -- not so sweet!
    Hugs to you. Hopefully the kiddo feels better soon.

  9. @Stranger: Yes, crabby trees rock - kids not so much. I am hoping that the sunshine will bring smiles all weekend though! How can we not though with the heavenly scent from the tree in my front yard. I think tomorrow it will be at its height in bloom.

    Thanks for commiserating. Have a great weekend.


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