Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday's Email of the Week: Was That I Hare I Saw?

Saturday's Email of the Week

Happy Easter Weekend everyone!

While I debated attaching the joke about the man who hits the Easter Bunny that subsequently gets "magically" restored, I thought that this was a little more amusing. 

Watch your coffees folks!

Ahem, are you going to be alright? Good. 

I am dining on our traditional ham dinner with all the trimmings at my sister's house, so might not get back to you today. I hope your Easter dinners are yummy. Pray for this little blogger if you are a church goer, as I can always use all the help I can get. Have a wonderful weekend! 

I will return...


  1. lol! "I think I've got a hedgehog living in my knickers" - lol!

    Have a beautiful Easter, Katherine!

  2. Bwhahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!

    OMG...this was perhaps the most hysterical thing I've EVER seen!

    And yes....I SPEWED my coffee!

    Standing in front of the cold fridge fanning herself just about KILLED me!


    Thank you so much for sharing this, Katherine.

    Pure brilliance!

    Happy Easter, my friend.


  3. for the love of all that is holy...i do think you are trying to kill me today...that hurt, my sides...smiles.

    just read the hair spray one at evas so glad you went with this...

  4. That video is hilarious!

    Happy Easter!

  5. @Talon: I really don't know what possessed the woman to even think about this, but the video was priceless. Happy Easter to you too Talon!

    @Ron: I tried to warn you Ron! Don't say I didn't warn you!

    Bwahaha! It was pretty damn funny though and I had to share.

  6. @Brian: No contest Brian. My sides were hurting too. I warned you though! :) Happy Easter my friend.

    @Mama Zen: I don't know what it says about me that people send me these videos. I too thin they are hilarious, but reflect that perhaps I am a little cracked too?



    Happy Easter Mama Zen.


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