Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Poem

Full of hopes and dreams
I pray.
Every word a purpose plotted
my gift to me
and the world
blown into the ethers
on wings of love and faith,
wishes for happy homes
in other people's hearts
If only,
if only...

It begins with me
but syllables plucked 
from the air,
this artist's scribe
with words sprung from finger's pen
begging to fill
the voice of the wind
as authored by
whom; God's will?
or perhaps just me?

Always late to the table,
but still offering a few meager words to share
just to say I was there


  1. And perhaps it's both you and God's will. the poem is lovely. Well done.

  2. You caught me just before bed. I'm glad I was able to come and read it. It's lovely.

  3. * I think you are right Glynn. The words just seem to be a gift sometimes and I am merely a medium to let them spill out.

    * Hi Patti. Thank you sweet woman. I should have posted it earlier, but a friend brought over his daughter, while he took his other sick child to hospital. Loved your poem BTW!

  4. Kkrige.. I liked it so much.. thanks for finally sharing..

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  5. Lovely. This made me smile...the lightness, the sharing...just lovely.

  6. i would say both as well...yours the pen and His the hand that guides it?

    hope you have a great day k...

  7. blown into the ethers
    on wings of love and faith - absolutely love this!

  8. so wonderful! very uplifting one shot!

  9. * Aw, thanks Shashi. I am thinking that perhaps I should write a poem now and post-date it for next week, but I still have to link up. hmm

    * Thank you Talon. It would seem as if my prayers were answered then :)

  10. * I am not usually overly religious, but some days I wonder if there is a higher power that helps these things along Brian

    * I am honoured Gautami. Thank you

  11. * You have made my day SuziCate. Thanks for stopping in

    * I am glad you liked it Everyday Goddess. Those smiles are pretty precious

  12. It begins with me.
    It begins with me.
    I could say that over and over, Katherine.

    Peace begins with me.
    A helping hand begins with me.
    Reaching out begins with me.

    God's will in us, I think.

    Thank you for reminding me.

    And I'd say you're "late to the table" only to be the dessert we are all craving!


  13. You are always more than just there, my friend. And we all wonder just where the words come from.

  14. A tear sparkles in my eye. This is why I come back here day after day. Thank you Jannie and dear Marilynn. You lovely ladies are such a magnificent support and I cannot say enough for the support you offer me.
    blessings to you both

  15. Beautiful spoken words... I too would say a joint effort by you and he guiding your words and heart.

  16. positive and uplifting...thanks for sharing pete

  17. * Thanks for popping in Reflections

    * Thank you so much for being a part of the team and the fun Pete

  18. A lovely musing on life, and words, and what comes on the road of life.


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