Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday's Email of the Week: I could use some of those

Saturday's Email of the Week

I am not sure if this was sent to me trying to tell me something or not. Hmmm... Well, I am not going to take offence, as it is pretty funny. I don't think I could pull it off, but desperation might force my hand one of these days. I am going out for dinner and then the theater tonight, so maybe I will get my chance yet. Ha.

Happy Saturday and I hope that all my Canadian friends have a lovely, long Victoria Day weekend.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Love and Some Verses

 ~ while Iron and Wine say it best, I will add some of my own visions of love today ~

You let me snuggle
icy toes resting on calves
and I sleep smiling

sweet warmth underfoot
promises of tomorrow
future round and cool
ruffled feathers envelop
until doting mate takes o'er
laughing eyes light on
my stooped visage uncurling-  
run screeching to arms
held straight with a back born fresh
now with love's sweet compromise  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Crabby Apple

Crab Apple is beginning to bloom

crabby appled kid
wreaked havoc on moods again
tears dispel thin peace 
forgiveness placed at table
eaten cold, but served with love

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garden Walk

Today I am going on a garden walk. I need to let go of words and just be.
Grab a coffee and join me.


Jingle the bells
Soloman's Seal

Take a deep breathe...
Lilac's beginning to bloom

Feast your eyes here...
Pretty multi-coloured Phlox leaf that will provide more colour later in the summer

So soft...
Different kind of Phlox

Feeling royal with these delicate beauties...
Lily of the Valley

My stepable wildflower garden in the grass

The blister on my hand has almost healed, but it would appear my ministrations were in vain.

The tears of a tulip

The sun will come out 

Monday, May 16, 2011

making the call

Fighting back the tears
I reach for 
"Please help"

I can not do this anymore,
not alone.
I can no longer fight
the war that will not be won.

and I am bleeding...

the shaking begins 
 the story pours out
along with a single,stray, suppressed

i can not do this anymore
i hurt, i ache 
with every beat of your heart
my fears explode

Your ocean drowns me

 nascent blisters pop
unrecognizable excuses of life 
into my face
I shudder - not able to turn away

please help - I can no longer do this
the life raft I offer
is faded, peeling from 

I can not do this anymore


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