Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Care to join me?

I am grumpy this evening.

I had a huge hankering for chocolate,
but had to make do with a white russian.

I could do with a jug of them,
but I am distracting myself with conversations about Easter
and chocolate bunnies.

Perhaps I should 
flush my brain
and call it a night

For yes, tomorrow  is 

1 comment:

  1. Mmm...chocolate!

    Since our little guy's peanut allergy diagnosis, it has been difficult to find "safe" chocolate, so the Easter Bunny will be bringing more toys than sweets this year. This is basically a good thing, because those evil little bunnies, they *call* to me in the evenings after the kidlets are tucked in their beds, begging me to come and nibble upon their cute little chocolate ears...Have I mentioned that willpower is not my strong suit?!?

    Enjoy your White Russians...cheers! :)


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