Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Sun

The sun rises in my day
and I s-t-r-e-t-c-h
to feel life flow through 
my body.

Coffee perks,
as the oven heats 400F
and little hands mix
breakfast into greased trays.

Steam rises
off soapy body,
as I wash yesterday
down the drain.

 pray sunshine
brighten sandal-clad feet
as we face the day a-fresh today.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Grounded  by sick child and rain.
Well, the garage sale went on in the rain, but without me. My attempts to bring forth sunshine failed miserably. As I was getting out of the shower, I was presented with a mess at the bathroom door. Yuck! I know you don't want details C (I recall that is your major yuck factor). So, instead of dutifully cleaning my house from top to bottom, I am playing along at Six Word Saturday. I hope your day brings rainbows. I think a mop is calling my name. Excuse me...

Friday, May 21, 2010

You are my SunShine

   There were rays of sunshine amidst the busyness of the day. I took advantage of the lack of rain to plant a few herbs and annuals into the garden this afternoon. As it is supposed to rain tomorrow in my part of the world, it thought that the new plants might be happy to have a big bath tomorrow. I must admit that I hope it does not rain in the morning though. I stuffed the van full of garage sale items to tote out to my aunt's house this morning. The hope is to become fabulously rich by selling my excess wares to the unsuspecting bargain hunters tomorrow. So in honour of a hopefully sunny morning, I thought that I would play a little ditty to help encourage the sunshine to come out and play...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ghost Rhythms

The ring leader was missing tonight.
He was not there to beat his drum.
He did not share his gentle smile.
His rhythmic tones set me adrift,
   but no I cannot cry.

My rhythm man did not join the samba.
He did not stamp a conga groove.
He was not part of the percussion.
His agile hands failed to set the mood,
   but no I did not sigh.

Men and women in a circle
all with hearts so pure to share.
Came together with a purpose;
Making music with a flair;
   and yes your spirit still did fly!

Dear, sweet friend
with smooth, pure vibes.
You have raised me up
on days low in faith's  ride.
   I drum for you.

and every night
that the rhythm 
through chaos' pores
I drum for you.

I cannot walk down life's paths alone
when my friend's heart
 holds quiet
my sodden tears and fears.
I drum for you.

I drum for you,
 to come together.
I drum for me,
to release.
I drum for the world
to make it better
I drum.
I pray.
I drum.

This little jem is from week 18 at Jingle's poet's rally. 
She has it going every week, so you can stop by and check out some of the fantastic poets she has found here. I nominate Megzone for this week as she comes up with something different all the time and makes it work! Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Enkosi means Thank You

In Port St. John’s, I discovered Africa. A new Africa, that I had not seen yet. A black Africa, where white faces were a minority in visibility and actual numbers. We entered the Transkei. I had been forewarned of going into the district from relatives and white faces we met in our travels. We were told not to stop, pick up hitch hikers, drive on dirt roads and God forbid an accident occurred and we hit something; again the message was to NOT STOP! For anything. It was dangerous and full of unrest, was the message that was drilled into us. With some trepidation, we did stop though. And for that I will be forever grateful.
Port St John’s is on the coast of the Indian Ocean in the middle of Pondoland. It is considered to be a traditional black homeland and as such, has a very limited white population. The language was another new one to me, so communication with the locals was limited to sign language and what little English they could get by with. Even with that, I felt the difference here though. For two weeks we made the area our home, and it was a beautiful, lush and peaceful place. We stayed in a hostel that was five kilometers from a beautiful beach, full of sand and shells. The town had a traditional market, “Take-Aways” aplenty, a more “formal” supermarket and a bank, if you were willing to stand in the long and very slow line. My van mate Taro even discovered that the Town Hall played movies and he attended with a few local youths that he befriended. They became fast friends and spent several days together just doing and being whatever they liked and required.
I found a measure of quiet, that I sorely needed to recharge my tattered soul. I made new friends and acquaintances.  I discovered a new faith in the country that struggled with its identity after so many years of apartheid and unrest. It was a simple place steeped in tradition. Labelled rustic by some, I found it quaint and it stole my heart. Many words flowed from me as I sat  by candle light. A hike to a waterfall, spawned a longer hike along the Wild Coast Trail. For four days we hiked through back country. We skirted deep, dark chasms, jumped from boulders to rocks, waded through tall, waving fields of grasses and discovered magical streams to take the sting out of burning, sun-baked skin. This was topped off by spending the last night in a traditional rondavel with a Xhosa family that fed us in the manner that they were accustomed to. We slept on the ground in our sleeping bags surrounded by stray dogs and scattered chickens. We were fed rice, samp (beans), mussels  and fish from the ocean we had just been hiking beside. We were steeped in the smiles of the locals. The children seemed to have such an amazingly pure energy and joy of life that was contagious. You could not help but wave and carry on the smiles that they handed out so freely. Those smiles buoyed me up and the simplicity around me made me appreciate all I had and knew. It was a far cry from our previous stops in Port Elizabeth, Addo National Park and East London and that was a good thing.
*Enkosi means Thank You in Xhosa, one of South Africa's Eleven official languages. I noted that was the only word I picked up in Xhosa in a post card written home
Here is a link to Miriam Makeba singing the Click Song in Xhosa.


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