Friday, January 29, 2010

Give me a break

   The spectre of that evil monster, that icky trickster, the dreaded and ever lurking COLD has struck again. Yes, a cold has descended upon our house. This is not new, as last weekend I was snuffling and snortelling. My kleenex box has not gone far from my side this week. In fact I have blown through a box or two in various rooms of my house. I even had a friend bring me some back-up packs when we went for coffee earlier in the week. Still, I soldier on. A little eucalyptus oil rubbed into the chest and perhaps a night cap to seal the deal. Good to go. My cold hasn't slowed me down. I can tick off book club, yoga, drum circle, shopping, swimming lessons, laundry and of course house cleaning to my list of activities of the week.
   Now I sit in between loads of ever-present laundry, despairing of being stopped in my tracks. Yup, I drew the line. I can push me as much as I want, but I managed to infect the darling angels under my roof as well. Bad Mommy. That has been the chant around here the last few days from my eldest. "Bad Mommy! Bad Mommy!" has resonated off my flittering frame. She is lucky that my skin has thickened up over the last little while. Even if it is in jest (or perhaps not?), a short time ago this would have had me headed to the kleenex box, but not for the cold I suffer through this week. The tenderness and loving kindnesses I have allowed myself and accepted from others has changed my outlook. I might still have my days (I am a single parent of two under 5 years. Give me a break!), but I try to add more smiles than tears to their plates. So this morning I debated again whether I would pack myself and the girls into the van and head State-side to visit friends. I really wanted to visit, but had a confab with Brad and decided that it was probably better to let the girls have a low-key day. After their busy week, they needed some down-time too. Nothing like enjoying your own space and walking at your own pace versus plunking into the van for a 3-hour tour, trekking across the border and then racing after bigger kids all weekend. It takes enough out of us on a good day. We are not on our a-game, so why push it? So we are planning on pizza and movies tonight and are making up for it with a visit from grandma tomorrow. Hopefully good vibes will bring good germs back our way. And for now another load of laundry calls...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter winds

   Alas, No windows today. The wind is howling and it is darn cold. My guy did not want the windows to crack and I don't really want to have big gaping openings as he maneuvers windows in place. Yes David, I have broken down and admitted there is something I cannot do. I cannot install windows. In truth, I do not want to install windows. I am super-Mom extraordinaire, but I have to put my foot down somewhere. So, no windows for me. Actually, I even cheated and had a friend install one of the light fixtures I bought. Again, something I have never done, but have seen done so many times I feel I could do it successfully. I told someone that asked me how I know how to do all my little projects (ie. mudding, sanding, etc.) and my answer was osmosis. When you play assistant time and time again, you really do pick up most of the tricks. It just requires one extra little thing called confidence. Or maybe obstinance? Stubbornness? Hmm, ah, we will give me the benefit of the doubt and just call it a sense of safety. Still hold a good wallop of fear over electricity, engines and most power tools. I am willing to push my envelope though. I try.
   So, since I am released from window detail today, I should probably pick up another task. I did some grocery shopping and need to cut some roasts up to put in the freezer. Also bought a colourful organizer cart for the girls for their arts and crafts. Some assembly required. And I also picked up anchors finally. No excuse now not to finish hanging the last of the living room paraphernalia. Off I go then. Bye!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


   A self-indulgence kind of day. Really more like week. Since hanging my paint brush up, I have not done a thing. Barely even accomplished groceries (dire straights on the weekend as we ran out of milk!). This morning I went out for coffee with a friend and if anyone has ever done coffee with me before, you know it takes a while! The coffee is the excuse, but the conversation is the key. I really do love my coffee. Such wonderful thoughts drift through my head and the air in a coffee shop. Can you blame it on the brew? Probably not, but it could help with its warmth and caffeine to wake up the brain. Set it on a new level. Yup, I like it.
   I follow my coffee date with more me time this aft. Embrace me in the warmth of an ohm at my weekly yoga class. I don't know what I would have done without it over the years. Stands me up, bends me over and makes life flow again. I walk out taller on most days. ahh. The day will wind down with a newer monthly activity; drumming. This is a surprising activity that I have fallen in love with as well. Meditation on the skin of a drum and the edge of singing bowl. Shake away all the shadows with rain sticks and maracas (well shakers of one sort or another). Drift me out and make me smile.
   So I have peace on today. My day of me. I am trying to just be plain old happy about it. No guilt parades allowed! Leave your shoulds at the door. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I get windows.

morning thoughts

Snow flies outside my window
  (cover all the winter uglies)
Mama earth is taking winter back!
 drive carefully my pretties
   My lovelies
For raindrops from days past
  will catch you
    and send you
       for unwanted rides....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Gift

I have oceans surrounding me
   on my pillows.
Salty hair catching
   love thoughts from cheeks
Beautiful shadows
pass briefly through
day dreams

   I am living.
   I have lived.
   They are gone...

If I blink,
will I miss them?
Thoughts and cares
   given and gone.
Do I value enough?
Have I cherished enough?
Every tear drop
   a gift from yesterday's song

A passing gives us stop.
The stop offers a dawn
For all the crushing waves
   light flickers
Even dark
  a dark of nowhere
The dark is not complete
  sparkle, fizzle, sputter
Somewhere a gray dawn

A hand emerges
Accepting, offering
My unasked for gift.
A screamed for need
Silent eyes begging for mercy
  And you were there.


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