Friday, May 28, 2010

Black Widow Crossing

    I sit folding laundry after a busy day of running around. My glorious children somehow let me sleep in this morning, for which I am extremely grateful (I was up really late the night before last going through some new computer programs & had a child awake about two hours after I went to bed with a  nightmare. Ick!). So, this morning I still got my cuddles, but the girls went on their way after a spell. I won't tell you what time I got up for fear of repercussions from my jealous fans. :)
     While the plan had originally been to head out to visit Daddy, I quickly realized that there were not enough hours in the day. Somehow I ended up going through clothes to pull out the summer wardrobe. It was on the list of things to do, and apparently that shot to the top of the list. I suppose the heat wave we have been going through makes it a priority, especailly with only two pairs of shorts in my youngest's drawers. The mountainous load of laundry was daunting, but with six loads down, I am getting ahead of the game. I cannot finish the task at hand though, as I have run out of hours again. 
   "It's early yet," I hear you say.
   Yes, but this evening I am going out. Aha! One of those rare moments when Mama becomes Katherine. In fact, I am going to a party. A costume party at that. I can take it one step further even. The party (Stag & Doe) I am attending this evening is a superhero party. OH Yeah! I get to dress up and be a super-sexy super-hero! Unh, hunh! Well, it only took Nancy two months to convince me into this and she completely made my costume, but I am excited to be going. I thought about it and realized yesterday that as it was a stag and doe, there would be dancing! Ohhh! Oh boy! I will have to dance in heels (or kick them off to soft-toe in my fish nets). Perhaps there will even be new people to meet. Hmmm. That is exciting and nerve-wracking all at once, but in a good way. So my friends, I cannot stay. I have to finish my Mama duties, then squeeze me into my costume. Have a Super Friday!

Elegant Black Widow Costume

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Rainstorm

I have kissed.
I have caressed.
I have listened to the wind.

   Our Karma did not hold.

I have laughed.
I have cried.
I have held your heavy hands.

   Our Karma did not hold.

The elements,
yours and mine,
Do not match;
   Such could have been foreseen?

I thrive in my natural element; water.
You survive in the air
as a cloud,

I can be a part of you,
live in your cloud,
visit the air,
   but not forever.

We separate and go our own ways.
I drop out of your skies,
Quench my thirst in my lake
   And sigh.

Our experiences lie in memories.

So for now I release your hands.
I wipe away my tears
and check my laughter.

I will wait for the until.
The until of tomorrow.
Until we meet again
   in different time and place.
Until we share again
   and laugh, and cry, and be.
Until the skies call for me again
Where I will survive for an instant
And then become memory again.


 Go see Jingle for the Thursday Poet's Rally. She always has new poets in her roster and it is well worth a gander. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm in the money!

   Ok, I am just going to share a little secret here. I am so excited! I have another small, wee little job. I had a meeting this morning and it looks like some computer work is coming my way. Change is good (ohm!) and this will fill a few more hours of my week. The challenge will be to multi-task a wee smidge more, but baby steps I can do. It will have me at the computer, versus the paint brush, but I am already familiar here in the world wide web. I cannot really say much more about it right now unfortunately. It is too fresh a concept and I have to wrap my head around it a little more. I have to let the newness sink in; "Let it marinate", as a friend likes to say. Suffice it to say that my newest paying gig will have a dribble more money coming in (and NO I don't have to disrobe or anything crazy like that to do it!), which in the long run enables me to stay home a while longer with my darling babies. All about the kiddos, right! I wish you a prosperous Wednesday. I have some quick research to do, then off to let the world's troubles slide off my back onto the yoga mat. Peace to you...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Go, Green Thumbs! Go!

Busy as a bee

with not a sec to spare.
Working in the garden
when weather is fair.

I must plant impatience
surrounded by lots of thyme
to spend with Mother Nature
whose bounty I find sublime.

So poppy outside

and soak up some sun.
The season is short,
but has just begun!

Green Thumbs!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Victoria Day!

 The Most Charming Poet Award
The Most Inspiring Poet Award

   What a way to end a long weekend. I wake up to two more lovely awards from dear Jingle over at her Thursday Poet's Rally. She really is amazing in her efforts to build a poetry community and I must applaud her for it. I have read some lovely poetry and found some neat people in the rally.


   So Happy Victoria Day to all my Canadian friends! The weather is absolutely beautiful and hot. I pulled out the kid's pool and they were in it as soon as they saw it. Never mind that the temperature of the water was frigid, as it was just out of the hose. Ha! And for those of you who know me and my children, I am sure you can guess what came next. Yup! Once the bathing suits were wet, they were off. I love their sense of abandon and carefree comfort with their bodies. Every once in a while I think about trying to introduce modesty, but really there is plenty of time for that. Society will shove it down their throats soon enough. Let the innocence of childhood reign supreme! And if you are wondering, yes I am fully clothed. I do have a fence, but I don't think it would keep my neighbours goggling eyes out. No need to cause rifts in marriages or overt attention from all the retired single gentlemen that surround me (snicker, I get enough already).

   As for me, I am spending the day puttering about. I was a good Mama and remembered to put sunscreen on the whole brood (me included). We had a picnic in the grass on the beach blanket with our umbrella thrown up for a bit of shade. I trimmed a hedge and cleaned up the cedar debris I created, lest Brad give me heck (he was always bitching about my clean-up abilities. Sorry baby, but they are not greatly improved). Now I have retired to the shade so as heat stroke does not kick in. I have been requested to join in on puzzle hour whilst my littlest babe sleeps. Gladly I will join in on this relaxing task, so off with me. I hope that you are enjoying sunshine in your world. Be well.


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