Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Trackbacks

Heck, I forgot to share photos from the recent wedding I went to. For shame! And today was Tuesday, not Monday, and I still did not fly across the pond for my regular traipse through Africa. What is going on here? Can I blame it on late summer fun and road trips. Why not! Well, despite the late hour I can rectify at least one of my lapses, I suppose. This evening I will strut my stuff here in a photo walk from the wedding day. Enjoy!
Last week was a busy week for me writing wise, but this week might be a more sedate. I slammed out about nine articles, wrote a little poetry and still had a few letters in me by the end of the week. This week not so much so far. With it being a short week, I will have to play catch up as well. And both my babies started school this morning, so I have just not been feeling the words flowing oh so nicely. We all have days like that though. 

Happy Couple's 1st dance

So the night of the wedding, we ate, danced and made merry. There were hors d'oeuvres, much wine being poured, succulent main courses, dessert, more wine, a dessert table, late night sandwiches, more drinks, and of course movies under the table for the kids. Gotta love portable DVD players. 

I fear that my eyes are about to cross though, so must go to bed. If I don't get my beauty sleep, no amount of makeup can improve my kisser. I go from the belle of the ball, as seen above to more like this self-portrait below. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT! Ha! Fare thee well & good night all.

Where's my coffee?


  1. smiles. i think all of you look wonderful in that first pic...

  2. @Brian: Thank you Brian. Certainly a far cry better than my morning shot above. teehee!

    @Possum: Thanks Possum. It was a lovely day that lasted until the wee hours (well, for the kids anyway - my bed time wasn't far off theirs either!)

  3. looks and sounds like you had a great time.

  4. HA! Katherine, I LOVED that last photo and the caption!

    Yup....that's about what I look like and say every single morning...."Where's my coffee??"

    Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time at the wedding. Really love the photo of you and your precious girls.

    Hey, I think it's awesome that you're doing a lot of writing. You GO, girl!

    Thanks for sharing your week. Enjoyed it!


  5. @Monkey Man: The kids keep talking about it & remarking how much fun they had. Well, minus the whole wedding service. It was catholic, hence a little long-winded. I don't blame them for their lack of enthusiasm there. We almost caught my step-father snoring too! Ha! The music & reception more than made up for the lost hour of the girlies lives though & I figure a trip into a church is good for another round of saving my soul for a spell. :)

  6. @Ron: Thanks Ron. It was pretty exhilarating to get so much writing done last week. I wrote articles on jumping rope, drinking water, storm cleanup, 3 baby related topics, as well as a couple of fundraising initiatives. I was ON. This week, not so much, but I am ok with that. I have been mostly looking like the bottom pic & cleaning house. Still snuffling over the dusting I did this evening.

    Thanks for stopping by my friend. You are always a ray of sunshine in my life.

  7. The wedding looks beautiful as do the guests in the first picture. Beautiful family, Kat. But what are you doing with that picture of me before I've had my coffee???

  8. @Pattiken: hee hee hee! Sorry Patti! The secret is out. Cheers to am coffee!


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