Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

deck the halls with...
hmm, how shall I deck?
garlands add a touch of bliss
plus reindeer, what the heck!

Can I find the snow globes,
maybe a snowman or two?
What happened to Santa's wardrobe?
His hat has been coloured blue!

tum, tee, dum tumm...
There's the angels three
I don't remember where this jingle bear came from,
but there's my old ceramic lit-up tree!

Oh, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
yes, the flakes are in the air
I have started on my shopping checklist
and Bob & Doug McKenzie are singing the 12 days of Christmas without a care

My sides are tickled raw
for their 2 pounds of back bacon and beer in a tree,
yes True Canadians, Hahaha
Oh, let's pull out all the other Christmas CDs!

Well, I should vacuum and dust the house
so that I can place the ornaments just so
ah, my favourite; Mrs. Claus & her spouse!
Yup, December 1st and the festive season has hit me all aglow!

Happy Holiday!
from little ole me
at a New Day
playing the Oneshot Wednesday spree


  1. The first snow just makes the beginning of the holiday season feel right. We'll be visiting our favorite ornaments this weekend when we put up the decorations. Always a fun time! You captured that essence beautifully -- and pass the bacon, please? :)

  2. All yours Talon! I will stick with the beer in a tree thanks. :)

  3. Cool poem. Don't think I've ever read a poem that references the McKenzie Brothers. lol Enjoyable read that gets me in the holiday spirit :)

  4. Excellent I'm really looking forward to Christmas! I've never been as poor, but I've never been happier. Who'd have thought it! Really seasonal read! Thanks for sharing

  5. @dustus couldn't resist as I heard the song on the radio. Happy Holidays & happy One shot

  6. @repressedsoul soul. Money just doesn't matter sometimes does it? Some of my favourite & most memorable presents I have given were the ones I made myself. Hope you have a great Christams!

  7. ha. how festive...lots of fun packed in those verse...we unleashed the nutcracker nation yeaterday...close to 200 of them...yikes.

  8. Take off Hoser...
    Happy Holidays Eh?

    ...And a Beer!!!

  9. Oh, you make me feel so guilty. I have not done a thing, and I'm usually well into it all by this time. Maybe listening to a few Christmas CDs will do it for me too.

    Thanks for stopping by my place and commenting. I appreciate it.

  10. @Brian; dare I ask what the nutcracker nation is? Do you have 200 little men wandering around your house chomping on nuts or little fingers or whatever can be wedged between their chompers?

  11. @G-Man; Cheers eh!! And I messed it up, as it was 2 turtlenecks, 3 french toast and 4lbs of backbacon. Geez, take off Hoser!
    & bring back the beer G-Man!!

  12. @Patti; If it makes you feel any better Patti, my eldest came home commenting that her teachers already had their trees up with lights all aglow. I sensed a winsome note, until they walked into the house to find my handiwork. Now to get some eggnog to go with my Christmas carols. :) Cheers Patti!

  13. hehehe...what a delight to read, this one!! Festivities do sometimes get the better of us..don't they?! :) But it's all worth it!
    A very Happy December to you!! Enjoyyyy!!

  14. @kavisionz; They do indeed! Thanks for popping by!

  15. As usual, Kkrige, you write beautifully.. It was delightful....Thanks for sharing...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  16. December, start of festivities. Ending of a year....start of New ventures...


  17. @Shashi; Oh, thank you! I was feeling whimsical. I was half way between cleaning and decorating and went with it and the smiles that were brought forth. You honour me Shashi. Blessings to you

  18. @Gautami; Hello Gautami. Indeed, wise words sweet woman.

  19. Just commenting on everything here, so I don't have to go through the word-identifying sign-in rigamarole several times... Sounds like you are in a good and funny place my friend. in your snowy haven. Love to be here & read about it!

  20. Sorry about the sign in thing Marilynn. I was getting some spam, so thought I would turn it on for a bit & hope it goes away.


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