Wednesday, February 1, 2012


scent of your
touches skin, mouth,
and I am alive 
to flow among these
feelings that 
wash my 
balms of 
so unaccustomed
to love, lust
and life

and I wrap
the arms of your 
cast-off shirt
tighter a-
lest yesterday's 
burdens remember
forgotten tears

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

relentless you

whirling stormy days
hemmed in by starry nights
relentless you

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday's Email of the Week: Namaste

Saturday's Email of the Week

Hello Saturday. Where did you come from? The week has melted away and left me with a weekend of activities to look forward to. Tonight I will be going to a local twitter, beer-tasting event where I will perhaps get a little networking in. Or at least try a new beer or two. Not too many though, as I have to take the girls to a birthday party tomorrow and have been told not to show up useless. I have to handle a glue gun, so therefore need to be on.

Hmm, hopefully I won't glue my fingers together...

So, this week I share a short video that struck my fancy. A friend sent me this and it just tickled my yoga bones. I have been lapse in my practice over the last six months, but returned to the mat recently. This felt like an affirmation that I am on the right path with re-embracing a yogic balance (in a weird kind of way). The scary thing is that I completely know and get everything she says. Does that make me a freak? Ha! Maybe, but I am okay with that!

I am off to the gym now for the kids' yoga class! Maybe grab a glass of wheat grass after (probably NOT!).

Namaste my friends! Have a blessed weekend.  ☺

Thursday, January 26, 2012

In A Dream

His smile fills the room and charms all that pass. Eyes sparkle and make the world feel like no one else exists. Words of love float on daybreak.

Until he turns from me in a dream that leaves you gasping for breath and reaching for the phone. What horrors lie unspoken that gives nightmare wing? 


Fifty-Five words of caution for those of you daring enough to write a story for G-Man's Friday Flash Fiction. 


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