Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Love Your Blog!

 Jingle tagged me in a game and I am game to play along.

10 Things I love:

  1. My children (even when they drive me nuts)
  2. My Mother for always being there for me and believing in me even when she hasn't always agreed with my choices or decisions
  3. My sister for always listening to my sorrows and woes, providing me with a best friend forever and never forgetting that a little bit of fun is the best medicine in life
  4. My friends for allowing me the tears that needed to be shed , the time to explain what I needed to pour out of my soul and the wine to wash it down with
  5. My garden for giving me much needed meditation, direction and beauty
  6. Wellspring - as they provided me with so much emotional support when I was lost and soul-less. The hugs, smiles, soggy shoulders and kleenex helped to keep me here.
  7. Yoga for the way it lets the world just wash through me and make it alright. Plus hip-openers are just a beautiful thing. Ohm... ;)
  8. Sunshine for putting a smile on my face all the year long
  9. Seafood, LOOVVVEEEE any kind, all kinds, YUM!!!!!
  10. Poetry and the creative expression that comes with it (check out Jingle's Thursday poetry rally if you are a fan too!) Really, just writing in general. I love my expressions of writing so that I can release what trundles along in my brain. I love these people down here's writing because it makes me laugh, cry and generally smile. Words just fill me up and are generally just great!!!

I am going to tag;

Whether you play or not, is up to you. I just wanted to say that I like you! Have a fantabulous day!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Poetry Awards

 The Most Perfect Poet Award

The Most Confidant Poet Award 

The Most Far-Sighted Poet Award


I reaped much honour
and humbly accept 
poetry awards
a love in my life
I am not afraid to share.

You Are The Most Beautiful Friend Award

I accept this, but have to say that you Ji are the most beautiful friend. 
Thank you for being you
and for hosting the poet's rally each week.
It is a highlight for me and many others.
I bow down to your perserverance
and talent.
Thank you!!!

A day of Gathering

Sulky sunshine threatens fun in park.

I am playing along at Six Word Saturday again. Sigh, another day of gray clouds, when all we want is a few rays of Mr.Sun to add fun to our day. The Gathering on the Green is today in Wortley Village. We have been the last few years and the girls love it, to say nothing of Mommy's excitement at getting out of the house. It is a free event that has face painting  and creative activities for the children, as well as artisans, a plant sale by the local horticultural society, a silent auction,  live music and food. Yippee! We are going regardless and just going to hold our breath that rain clouds do not spoil our fun. Have a great Saturday!

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Moon Flower - Oenothera triloba

Oenothera triloba

Ha, I have found you my pretties! I have been calling these beautiful flowers "Moon Flowers" for lack of a better name since I found them in my garden. I should explain that when we purchased the house I live in at present, it was obvious that the original owners were avid gardeners. Unfortunately the gentleman that bought the house from those folks, when they could not tend it any further, was not in possession of a green thumb. He lived in the house for approximately a year, then rented it out for about a year. When we moved in and the snow melted, I was excited and aghast. The remains of a well-manicured garden and lawn was hidden underneath weeds and shrubbery that was reeking havoc with  the light expectations of the straggling plants underneath. I found a bedraggled peony, that I still cannot get to bloom, abysmal rhubarb, day lilies by the wagon load and WEEDS! I would never have guessed that thistles could flourish so well in the middle of the city.

So over a long period of time, I attacked the project that was my garden. I gave a very aggressive pruning to a shrub that was almost lying on the ground from a lack of pruning and winter snow that punished the untamed boughs. With the addition of light and space, I found many plants, some of which I had to question their lineage. Was that a valid plant or noxious weed? Some I left to explore, some were pulled in the name of order. The Oenothera triloba hid for a while, which I am glad of. It looks remarkably like a dandelion, so would have been pulled post haste. The real beauty and show of this special plant happens at night though. As day winds to a close and dusk encroaches, this relative of the evening primrose family struts its stuff. Literally right before your eyes, you can watch the flowers open! They only last for one night and close up by mid-morning the next day. Do not rue the passing of the flower in too short a span though, as these plants continue to bloom most of the summer. It also makes babies pretty prolifically, so you can enjoy them yourself, spread them around your garden, or share them with friends. They will turn up their nose at your gift of a dandelion until the pretty yellow blooms pop open at night. 

Hopefully you have a night full of clear skies where you are. I have to make do with pictures of the outside world tonight, as rain plummets down. May the night still live and hold promise for you...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stoep in Rain

Here is my attempt at concrete poetry from many moons ago. I thought it was quite clever at the time. I share it here as an addition to my African tale, as it was written in Port St Johns, South Africa. I  will also include it over at Jingle's to see if anyone appreciates my whimsy at Jingle's Poet's Rally. I will transliterate below;

Green, leafy
Pine tree Sprinkled
with moisture
at the 
Grey clouds
Sque tears ezing
Wet F o o t p r i n t s
The Toilet Bowl

I spent a lot of time thinking and creativity came back to me a spell while in this tranquil locale. I would suggest it in a heart beat for anyone wishing to travel in a quiet kind of way with nature on your doorstep and all around. 


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