Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Time, where have you gone?
fleeting shadows of yesterday
are all I can see now
bring back my sanity
return my semblance of life

or let me catch
this rising star
and ride it
through the night

Monday, April 23, 2012

Still More Music Monday

Spent last Thursday spinning retro tunes, but came across something new in the process. This is perfect for drifting off to sleep to, in my humble opinion. Not surprising I guess, as Ryan Karazija is from Iceland and I believe sun is a treat for a lot of the year. Or something like that.

Anyway, very sweet sound. What say you?


Friday, April 20, 2012

The Fairy Garden

Spring flowers
fairy's wings

flowers laid 
just so
a silver cup with
honey & water to go

Careful planned
the layers upon layer
fine fresh greens
offered by soothsayer

a daffodil sits
a crown amongst gems
the best of the season
for little folk to attend

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Only You

I have had this song on my head for two days now. You have to excuse me my indulgence, but I need to listen to it. How can you resist such sweet (sappy) lyrics like that? ahhh...

Can you hear me?
(I) want you near me.
its just the touch of your hand
behind a closed door
All I needed was the love you gave...
All I need for another day
All I ever knew
only you


bah dah 
ba da
ba da da da...

Feel free to continue on into your day now.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the pitcher

torn inside out
i look 
and still find me there
the pitcher of


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