Monday, March 28, 2011

A Ghost on Board

Bodies littered the filthy, open deck. Colourful sarongs tucked in close beside stunned chickens, and giant bags of God knows what.  It still amazed me that live chickens could be found everywhere. You saw them scratching in the dirt around rondavels, at market waiting to be plucked and fried, or sold to another for the same treatment. They were a common traveller on buses, and here too on the ferry sailing South to Monkey Bay.
The large checkered polyethylene bags, that were always stuffed to bursting, were an anomaly as well.  They could hold a traveller’s entire worldly possessions, or more likely, their wares to hawk at the market. Always dirty white with a blue or red  pattern, they adorned women’s arms and heads. It struck me that the men usually travelled much lighter, leaving the heavy work to the women.
Chickens and plastic totes were not the only thing that the women travelled with. Everywhere you looked,  babies clung quietly to women’s backs or chests. You never heard them crying or making a fuss, but perhaps that was due to their close proximity to the most important person in their lives; Mother. These mothers seemingly did not even notice the addition to their load. Babies were a constant and just a part of who these women were. It was only age that released them from that burden.
The men on the other hand, had it comparatively easy. No babies or children clung to them, and luggage was left to the women. They could be seen engrossed in a  game of bao just about anywhere. Even here, I could see a few games set up in various corners of the ferry, before we even left shore. Their factions were boisterous and held the air of a party. I wouldn’t doubt that a carton of Chibuku or two were being imbibed. They loved their shake shake, but despite giving it a try, I was not a convert to the millet beer. The taste of the sludge was not worth the possible effects that could be gleaned from drinking it.
I was not offered any now though. At present, I was curled onto a little bench that I clung to. We had left Nkhata Bay at 3PM. There was to be a stop at Senga Bay and a few other little ports, before we reached Monkey Bay  at 6 or 7AM two days hence. It was a very long ferry ride and my white legs were the only ones that walked this boat. I was a ghost amongst a sea of black travellers. Curious eyes followed any movements I made, but the shy women made no attempt to speak to me. I pondered that it was not their place to speak, and certainly not to a foreigner. My inner voice gave thanks that I had not been born to their reality.
Without Brett by my side now, I silently watched the world go by. I prayed that my pack would not disappear overnight, as I shivered through the misty darkness on deck. I was glad to have it too, for the cool night air found me digging for extra clothes to put on, so I would survive my ordeal. The warm bodies of sleepy chickens looked inviting now, as I mentally willed warmth into my chilled limbs. And while I could have looked into an inner cabin for the voyage, my pockets were thin in change. So many others were willing to ride on deck, hence I deemed that I wasn’t above it myself. I looked around at the others that huddled about  and couldn’t help but contrast our stations though. Comparatively, I could have afforded better accommodations. Elusive sleep screamed my folly.
It would be a long unpleasant ride, ever vigilant of the filth and thieves that potentially lurked everywhere, but as long as this ferry did not sink, as the other had done a mere month before that, I would survive.

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Time yet to play
Time yet for song
Time yet to count
Time yet to read
Time yet for yawns
Time to protest
Time to

I am willing the children to let go of the weekend and ease into sleep. It is Sunday and I want to finish my last assignment for the week before heading to bed myself. 
Happy Sunday 160 to Monkey Man and all of you.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday's Email of the Week: Anyone want to adopt a cat?

Awww, look at the cute kitty!

Haven't played along over at 6WS in a while either
so I am going to link in there too.

*Some days you just don't feel like playing along
and that's alright...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

This post
is number 500!
(minus the deleted entry due to spam up the ying-yang)
-aside from a picture of Grandma, you aren’t missing anything
I have also
been scribbling
My thoughts & ramblings
for two years
As of the end of March
(1st post - March 30th, 2009)
Exciting Times At
>< >< ><

Those are my 55 words for G-Man
but I thought I would celebrate
by re-posting a few pics
of the woman behind the
blinking cursor

Taken during renos that got a lot of blog play back in Jan 2010

There I am with my boyfriend on a date away from the computer

Loafing again - From Dec 2010 snowstorm

A Delightful take of me from Christmas 2010 (must have had a few drinks that day!)

Aha, the missing photo!
Now you are all caught up.

so grab a glass of something yummy,
as its Friday night
and I think
the fact that I have kept at this little writing experiment
for two years!
is worth celebrating!

may tomorrow bring you the heart
and wisdom that you desire

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shades of Blue

Can anything be so perfect
as the cerulean blue sky
cut against 
the stark yellow branches
that suggest Spring?

or the circular swirl
of a Ceil-coloured seashell
swept ashore
to be found 
by searching hands.

but these hands
have found the magic
in Maya blue
running to Palatinate
that flutters delicate wings
and my heart.

Ah, but my heart
loves this blue best.
Tiffany blue that wraps
around my child's
petite frame
and keeps her snug 
and warm
until Spring will finally break
at last


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