Thursday, January 14, 2016

frost touches

for the day
when the frost melts
and sweet life unfurls,
bursts magically forth
from my cold, tight

I'm waiting...
to embrace magic
frost touches
furled life

today is
life, sweet
blooming buds
melting heart

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


A New Year
a new day...
More of the same, like days gone by?
~ hoping for more I pray.

Prayers are good and fine,
but actions beget more.
It's time to take life in mine own hands
and create a path to explore.

Idle steps lead nowhere fast;
if I want to find life and pep
the route to this door, this trail
starts today in my chosen step

So walk along, I wander;
my route mine to choose.
This year, a year of purpose
peace and happiness—the goal, to not abuse

What path have you set yourself on in 2016?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


dreaming of the sky
just a few rungs higher up
my infinity

Thursday, November 19, 2015


wind blows snows follow
wan November furlough
winter foreshadow

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remember Them

Children's voices 
raised in song.
No words uttered
to interrupt the psalm.

Poppies placed
row upon row.
Honour, respect;
all remembered by those.

The men and women
who gave their lives,
a fight for freedom
with battle cries.

My children's voices
I proudly hear,
today remember
and hold your memories dear.

We thank you all
who have served in courage
without sacrifices bold
our world discouraged.

our children 
solemn sing
to you a gift
their offering.

Thank you
We Remember


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