Ahhhh, I am home. I love road trips, truly I do, but I so love coming home. I will be able to crawl into my own bed tonight and my children their's. No more little feet kicking me in the middle of the night. No more fears of waking up to a puddle at 2AM from my little girlie whose bladder is still growing and learning the art of control. We will eat what we are used to eating (whatever that might be!) and know where everything belongs. I know I will miss the adults in my world at that point, as it is wonderful to have others around to help prepare meals, clean up meals and converse over meals. I love them beyond measure, but my little ones conversations are not always as stimulating as they could be. And they also usually serve to extend dinner towards the hour mark and beyond, if I let it. Which tends to drive me mental at the best of times. Of course I know some adults who are not at the top of the stimulation chain either I guess. Oh well. Without friends and family at the ready, I will have to go back to my other love; my laptop. I return to you my virtual friends and am happy to do so. I bid adieu to the friends and family that stimulated me this past week though.
I am grateful for all the sunshine we were offered. The miles that I put on my aching legs appreciate it, as does the reduced glare off my pastie person. Tonight, I will smile with the glow of a week spent in activity and love, as I reflect from the warmth of home and my tub. Cheers, welcome home to me.